Cómplice / Complicit
Este ensayo se titula "Cómplice" y está dirigido a aquellos que apoyan a nuestro actual presidente, que no reconocen las amenazas reales que representa para la sociedad civilizada y que permanecen en silencio, agradecidos por los beneficios que aporta a sus billeteras o políticasCitas
Kwong J. How Did Melania Trump Secure ‘Genius Visa’ For ‘Extraordinary Ability’ While Dating the Future President? Newsweek (posted 3-1-18). Available at http://www.newsweek.com/melania-trump-genius-visa-einstein-826431, accessed 6-19-18.
Forrest A. Jair Bolsonaro: the worst quotes from Brazil's far-right presidential frontrunner. Independent. October 8, 2018. Available at https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/jair-bolsonaro-who-is-quotes-brazil-president-election-run-off-latest-a8573901.html, accessed 2-4-19.
McKibben, Bill. The Christian paradox: how a faithful nation gets Jesus wrong. Harper’s Magazine, August, 2005, pages 31-37.
Trump, Friedrich. The emigrants. Harper’s Magazine, March, 2017, pages 18-19