How are young people spending their leisure time? Findings from a formative research study in rural central India using a daily activity schedule, V-Can Project



Recreational activities, adolescent health, non-communicable diseases, modifiable risk factors, Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) activity


Introduction. The younger population is disproportionately affected by NCDs, which are also rapidly affecting the poorer sections of the Indian population. Adolescents' unhealthy food intake and lack of physical activity are major contributors to the emergence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Objective.To understand the way leisure time is utilized by the individuals of 10-30 years age from the rural central India, to find opportunities for promoting recreational activities. Methods. A qualitative study was conducted using Daily Activity Schedule for formative research for V-CaN (Vitalizing Communities against No communicable diseases) project in 12 villages selected using convenience sampling maintaining variability with individuals of age 10-30 years. The activity was conducted separately with boys and girls, and content analysis was performed to analyze data


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How to Cite

Wanjari, D., Sharma, R.,  Raut, A. V., Jakasania, A., & Garg, B. S. (2024). How are young people spending their leisure time? Findings from a formative research study in rural central India using a daily activity schedule, V-Can Project. Social Medicine, 17(3), 159–165. Retrieved from



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