Acción no violenta para reformar la educación médica en Nepal - las huelgas de hambre del Dr. Govinda KC / Non-Violent Action to Reform Medical Education in Nepal - The Fasts-unto-death of Dr Govinda KC


  • Gregory G. Maskarinec Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia
  • Madhusudan Subedi Currently working as a part-time Professor at the Central Department of Sociology, and is a founding faculty of MPhil Programme in Sociology (2012), Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Previously, Subedi was Professor of Social Medicine, Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Nepal.
  • Prativa Subedi Third year medical student and Under Graduate Fellow of Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education at the KIST Medical College, Nepal.
  • Arjun Karki Professor of Medicine at Patan Academy of Health Sciences until 2015. He helped found a new medical school under Kathmandu University and was its founding Director (2000 – 2003). Subsequently, he helped establish Patan Academy of Health Sciences of which he was the Founding Vice-Chancellor (2008-2012). He was a member of Mathema Commission (2014) and also that of Health Profession Education Commission (2016) chaired by the Education Minister. In addition, he contributed in various Steering Committees and Advisory Bodies of Ministry of Health.


En la actualidad, se necesitan urgentemente reformas al sistema de educación médica vigente en Nepal, por sus carencias críticas. La integridad del sistema de educación médica de Nepal se ha visto amenazada por inversionistas, incluidos algunos miembros del parlamento, líderes políticos y empresarios influyentes que abordan la apertura de nuevas escuelas privadas de medicina como una manera fácil de hacerse de ganancias de forma rápida y sin esfuerzo, aunque no exista una autoridad central efectiva que las regule. La presión en relación al establecimiento de nuevas escuelas de medicina aumenta incluso cuando la educación resultante pueda ser deficiente y los graduados, cargados de deudas, no puedan encontrar oportunidades de capacitación de postgrado ni estén dispuestos a aceptar puestos fuera del Valle de Katmandú. Una fuerza importante que impulsa los esfuerzos por reformar, sistematizar y mejorar la educación médica en Nepal ha sido la serie de diez huelgas de hambre, que han implicado la muerte de un médico, el cirujano ortopédico principal, el Dr. Govinda KC. Para poner sus esfuerzos en un contexto histórico, revisamos la historia de la educación médica en Nepal desde 1978, cuando se creó la primera escuela para la formación de médicos de Nepal, el Instituto de Medicina. Buscamos aclarar si la tendencia actual hacia la educación médica con fines de lucro es compatible con la norma legal en Nepal, o si el país corre el riesgo de convertirse en un estado fallido por ignorar la necesidad de adaptar la producción de médicos a las necesidades sanitarias nacionales. Abstract At present, reforms of the critically flawed system of medical education in Nepal are urgently needed. The integrity of Nepal’s medical education system is threatened by investors, including members of Nepal's parliament, political leaders, and influential businessmen who treat the creation of new for-profit medical schools as an easy way to generate profits quickly and effortlessly, while no effective, impartial central authority exists to regulate the situation. The pressure to approve new medical schools increases even when the resulting education may be substandard and debt-burdened graduates neither able to find post-graduate training opportunities nor willing to accept positions outside of the Kathmandu Valley. A major force driving efforts to reform, systematize, and improve medical education in Nepal is the series of ten non-violent fasts-unto-death campaigns of one dedicated physician, senior orthopedic surgeon Dr. Govinda KC. To put his efforts into historical context, we review medical education in Nepal from 1978, when Nepal's first medical school, the Institute of Medicine, was created. We seek to clarify whether the current trend toward for-profit medical education is compatible with the rule of law in Nepal, or whether Nepal risks becoming a failed state as it ignores the need to align the production of physicians with that of national health needs.

Author Biographies

Gregory G. Maskarinec, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia

Professor of Medicine at the John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii, in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health and the Department of Native Hawaiian Health. A cultural anthropologist.

Madhusudan Subedi, Currently working as a part-time Professor at the Central Department of Sociology, and is a founding faculty of MPhil Programme in Sociology (2012), Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Previously, Subedi was Professor of Social Medicine, Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Nepal.

Currently working as a part-time Professor at the Central Department of Sociology, and is a founding faculty of MPhil Programme in Sociology (2012), Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Previously, Subedi was Professor of Social Medicine, Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Nepal.

Prativa Subedi, Third year medical student and Under Graduate Fellow of Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education at the KIST Medical College, Nepal.

Third year medical student and Under Graduate Fellow of Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education at the KIST Medical College, Nepal.

Arjun Karki, Professor of Medicine at Patan Academy of Health Sciences until 2015. He helped found a new medical school under Kathmandu University and was its founding Director (2000 – 2003). Subsequently, he helped establish Patan Academy of Health Sciences of which he was the Founding Vice-Chancellor (2008-2012). He was a member of Mathema Commission (2014) and also that of Health Profession Education Commission (2016) chaired by the Education Minister. In addition, he contributed in various Steering Committees and Advisory Bodies of Ministry of Health.

Professor of Medicine at Patan Academy of Health Sciences until 2015. He helped found a new medical school under Kathmandu University and was its founding Director (2000 – 2003). Subsequently, he helped establish Patan Academy of Health Sciences of which he was the Founding Vice-Chancellor (2008-2012). He was a member of Mathema Commission (2014) and also that of Health Profession Education Commission (2016) chaired by the Education Minister. In addition, he contributed in various Steering Committees and Advisory Bodies of Ministry of Health.


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Kathmandu Post Report. 2016b. 13 May 2016. Health edu final act draft handed to PM.

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How to Cite

Maskarinec, G. G., Subedi, M., Subedi, P., & Karki, A. (2020). Acción no violenta para reformar la educación médica en Nepal - las huelgas de hambre del Dr. Govinda KC / Non-Violent Action to Reform Medical Education in Nepal - The Fasts-unto-death of Dr Govinda KC. Medicina Social Social Medicine, 13(1), 49–61. Retrieved from



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