Kenneth Newell: el comadrón de la atención primaria de salud /


  • Sócrates Litsios Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia


Newell es bien conocido entre los defensores de la medicina social debido a que ha editado Health by the People y a la introducción de principios de atención primaria de salud, a los órganos rectores de la OMS. Este artículo explora la carrera temprana en Nueva Zelanda antes; la División de Investigaciones en Epidemiología y Ciencias de la Comunicación antes de convertirse en Director de la División de Fortalecimiento de los Servicios de Salud, lo que le proporcionó el trampolín para promover la APS en los órganos rectores de la OMS. Abstract Newell is well known to advocates of social medicine owing to his havaing edited Health by the People and introducing primary health care (PHC) principles to the WHO governing bodies. This paper explores early career in New Zealand before; the Division of Research in Epidemiology and Communication Sciences before becoming Director of the Division of Strengthening of Health Serrvices which provided him with the springboard to promote PHC to the governing bodies of WHO.

Author Biography

Sócrates Litsios, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia

PhD, Se trasladó a Suiza para trabajar con la Organización Mundial de la Salud en Ginebra (1967). Fue científico principal de la División de Control de Enfermedades Tropicales cuando se jubiló en 1997. Ha publicado cinco libros y numerosos artículos de revistas.


Off. Rec. Wld Hlth Org. 128, 39-40

Email from Birn to Litsios, 29 September 2018.

Memorandum dated March 26, 1974 from Newell to Tom Lambo (WHO Deputy Director-General) on the subject of the Christian Medical Commission.

Letter dated July 22, 1974 from McGilvray to Mahler.

CMC, “seventh annual meeting”, Zurich, Switzerland, July 1974: 3-6.

S. Litsios. The Long and Difficult Road to Alma-Ata: A personal reflection. International Journal of Health Services, Volume 32, Number 4, 2002, p715.

Ken Newell. Goals, Role and Promises of Primary Health Care. Primary Health Care in Industrialized Nations. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 310, 1978, p15

Alternative approaches to meeting basic health needs in developing countries

Newell, “Health by the People”: xi.

Newell, “Health by the People”: vii.

Newell, “Health by the People”: 191-192

K Newell. Helping People Help Themselves. WHO, April 1975, p4

Ibid, p.7

World Health Organization. Official Records, No. 226, Annex 15, Geneva, 1975

Largely drawn from my paper Litsios, S. The Long and Difficult Road to Alma Ata: A personal reflection. Intl J Hlth Services. 2002; 32(4):709-32.

Transcript of an oral interview with Dr David A Tejada de Rivero, recorded in December 2005.

Ken Newell. Goals, Role and Promises of Primary Health Care. Primary Health Care in Industrialized Nations. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 310, 1978, P.16

Dimitri Venediktov, Organizing Primary Health Care in a Systems Approach to Primary Health Care Primary Health Care in Industrialized Nations. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 310, 1978,

Ibid, 96

Julia Walsh and Kenneth S Warren. Selective Primary Health Care, an Interim Strategy for Disease Control in Developing Countries. New England Journal of Medicine 301 (1979), 967-974.

Kenneth W Newell. Selective Primary Health Care: The Counter Revolution. . Vol. 26 No. 9, pp 903-906, 1988.

Ibid, p905.

Kenneth Newell. The way ahead for district health systems. World Health Forum Vol 10, 1989.p85

See Socrates Litsios. The World Health Organization’s Changing Goals and Expectations Concerning Malaria (1948-2019). Journal Historia, Ciencias Saude – Manguinhos.(with the editor).



How to Cite

Litsios, S. (2021). Kenneth Newell: el comadrón de la atención primaria de salud /. Medicina Social Social Medicine, 14(1), 29–38. Retrieved from



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