Cambio climático: causas, consecuencias, negligencia empresarial, pseudociencia y un llamamiento a la acción


  • Martin Donohoe Public Health and Social Justice


El Jefe Seattle dejó un mensaje claro para nosotros, el futuro:  La tierra es nuestra madre. Todo lo que le ocurre a la tierra les ocurre a los hijos de la tierra. La tierra no pertenece al hombre, el hombre pertenece a la tierra. Todas las cosas están conectadas como una sangre que nos es común. El hombre no tejió la red de la vida; es sólo una hebra de ella. Lo que le hace a la red, se lo hace a sí mismo.

 Pues bien, la red se está deshilachando y nuestra madre se está muriendo. El calentamiento global es un hecho científico; está empeorando y está destruyendo la red de vida del planeta, enfermando y matando gente y costando billones de dólares.

Biografía del autor/a

Martin Donohoe, Public Health and Social Justice

MD FACP, Sitio web de salud pública y justicia social: o

Prescripción para Justice Television/Podcast:

Lector de salud pública y justicia social (Jossey Bass/Wiley, 2013):



While there were some drops in pollution during the coronavirus pandemic, consequent to more people working from home and thus lower transportation-related energy consumption, overall trends are likely to continue.

For more on the ACSH, see Donohoe MT. Corporate front groups and the abuse of science: the saga of the American Council on Science and Health. Z Magazine 2007 (October):42-6. Available at Referenced version available at Open-access slide shows on the ACSH and corporate malfeasance and public health can be found on the Public Health and Social Justice website at and, respectively.

Donohoe MT. Complicit. Social Medicine 2020;13(1):1-7. Full text pdf available at (and in Spanish at (

Cutler D, Dominici F. A Breath of Bad Air: Cost of the Trump Environmental Agenda May Lead to 80 000 Extra Deaths per Decade. JAMA. 2018;319(22):2261-2262. Available at

Add to this Trump’s appallingly anti-science, anti-public health, and negligent response to the coronavirus pandemic, which contributed significantly to the over 1 million deaths which occurred in the U.S., which was affected more than almost any other nation. The damage to the US scientific enterprise and reputation of public health agencies such as the CDC will take decades to repair. Both Scientific American and the New England Journal of Medicine come out strongly against another Trump presidency.

After winning the electoral college (but not the popular vote) and becoming president, Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Agreement, leaving it as only country opposed, but upon taking office, President Joseph Biden re-committed the United States to the Agreement.

For further information on global warming, corporate malfeasance and public health, pseudoscience, and many other topics, visit the Public Health and Social Justice website at or, where you can also find open-access slide shows, articles, and links to over 1,000 organizations. The Environmental Health subpage at includes information on what you can do to minimize your own carbon footprint, along with how to become more involved in the fight against climate change.



Cómo citar

Donohoe, M. (2023). Cambio climático: causas, consecuencias, negligencia empresarial, pseudociencia y un llamamiento a la acción. Medicina Social Social Medicine, 16(2), 86–94. Recuperado a partir de



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