Contribution of guarding to quality of life among chilean people living with HIV




Chronic illness, Guarding, HIV infections, Quality of Life, Regression Analysis, Self-Care.


Background: Guarding is a self-care process that individuals use to manage chronic illness; it refers to the process of maintaining vigilance over a person’s self and network. This study evaluates the relationship between quality of life and guarding among people living with Human immunodeficiency virus/Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (PLHA). Method: A cross-sectional study of 209 people living with Human immunodeficiency virus/Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome was conducted in Santiago, Chile. PLHA completed a questionnaire about characteristics of quality of life, human immunodeficiency virus symptoms status, social network, demographics, and guarding. Illness characteristics were obtained from medical records. Results: Hierarchical multiple regression revealed that having more close friends/relatives, fewer Human immunodeficiency virus symptom status, and less guarding behavior was significantly related to a higher quality of life. No relationship was found between quality of life and demographic and illness characteristics. Conclusion: Together, study variables explained 58.8% of the variation in the quality of life.


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