Publication standars

All contributions must be submitted through the Journal's site:

As an attached file, include a letter of transfer of rights, ensuring that the text has not been submitted or sent to any other source for publication. Also notify any potential or actual conflicts of interest.

A conflict-of-interest statement should include whether the research was conducted with financial or other support that has limited or potentially biased the research, the analysis of data, the preparation of the report, or the presentation of the results.

Social Medicine is a forum for the discussion and analysis of socio-medical thought, collective health and critical and decolonial thinking on health. Hence, it accepts collaborations from diverse disciplines. It is a flexible publication, interested in communicating and debating the social and commercial determinants of health, as well as experiences in collective health and health activism. In general, it accepts texts that link social dynamics with health outcomes.

The Journal publishes papers of:

  • Original research
  • Themes and Debates
  • Classics in Social Medicine
  • Social Medicine in Practice (health activism)
  • Books & Events Reviews
  • News and Events

Texts are subject to peer review to identify whether the contributions submitted are relevant and related to the themes and principles of the Journal, and reviewed for their length, clarity and terminology used. Peer reviewers try to make suggestions for improvement, if necessary. The Journal does not provide capture service; it is the responsibility of each author to carry out the tasks requested. To peer review texts, and, eventually, be published, the manuscripts must be in accordance with these editorial standards.

Editorial standards

1. Manuscripts submitted must be unpublished, written in Spanish or English, in Word for PC, including numbered illustrations and graphs, each one with a title at the top and a source at the bottom.

2. Pages must be numbered in the lower right corner; written double-spaced with 12-point Times New Roman font, in letter size paper and with free margins of 2.5 cm on all four sides. The maximum length is of 4,000 words, not counting tables, graphs, illustrations, and references.

3. The title of the work should be centered.

4. The full name of each author should appear under the title. For each one, enter their Name, Last Name, and then in the next line the Institution (country), their email address, and their ORCID. Do not use abbreviations.

5. A summary of maximum 250 words in English and Spanish goes next, with between three to five key words.

6. Within the text, the titles of the different sections must be clearly identified in bold, starting on the left margin. Do not use number or letters to identify them. Write subtitles in italics, with the same format.

7. All explanatory footnotes will have their call-in continuous numbering in Roman numerals. Use the respective function in the Word processor (references, footnote).

8. Citations within the text will be enclosed in quotation marks if they do not exceed three lines. Those with more than three lines should be separated with a half-inch indentation to the right, without quotation marks. Quoted text should include page number (p. X).

9. References will be included at the end of the document after the word References in bold, following the Vancouver system. (National Library of Medicine: It is recommended to use the references function of the Word processor (references, insert note at the end). If not using this function, make sure that the numbers that indicate a reference in the text are in superscript format, if needed, separated by comas.8,9

10. The electronic references links must be active, indicating the date of consultation. Please check that they work.

11. Given the electronic nature of the publication, it is recommended to add photos, maps, and other illustrations.

12. Charts, tables, graphs, drawings, maps, and photos must be of good quality, at least 300 dpi. In addition, they must be numbered, with a title at the top and their respective sources at the bottom for each table, illustration, or graph.

13. All papers accepted for publication undergo style correction. Authors should approve the final version.

14. The journal adheres to the ethical guidelines for academic publishing, established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE;

15. It is recommended to the authors to take into consideration the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE): English:; Spanish: