Social Determinants of Cervical Cancer Screening among Women Aged 35-64: A Quantitative Analysis of the Demographic and Health Survey Data, Haiti, 2016-2017


  • Jacques W. Clerville School of Public Health, Georgia State University, USA
  • Darius L. Fenelon Zanmi Lasante, Partners in Health, Haiti
  • Rajat D. Gupta Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina, USA



Haiti, cervical cancer, cervical cancer screening, women, household wealth


Objective: The objective of the study is to identify the social determinants of cervical cancer screening among women aged 35-44 in Haiti. Methods: We used Haiti’s Demographic and Health Survey data to identify social determinants of cervical cancer screening in Haiti among women aged 35-64. Results: We found that higher education attainment and household wealth were significantly associated with cervical cancer screening: higher education (AOR = 4.94, CI: 2.46-9.89) and secondary education (AOR = 2.28, CI:1.44-3.61); “richest” (AOR = 8.15, CI:3.97-16.72), “richer” (AOR = 4.38, CI:2.23-8.59), and “middle” (AOR =2.90, CI:1.53-5.49). Conclusion: Cervical cancer screening efforts should prioritize disadvantaged groups to address health disparities, strengthen access to screening, and provide optimal care.


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