Book: Küme mongen en el lof Temulemu. Diagnóstico de salud. Conclusiones y propuestas, 2023


  • Plan de Salud Integral Indígena PRI Lonco, Lof Temulemu y Servicio Salud Araucanía Norte, Ministerio de Salud, Gobierno de Chile



The diagnosis of lof Temulemu aims to provide an overview of the situation of the Küme mongen, good life or well-being from the perspective of the Mapuche families that comprise it. It is mainly based on the analysis of the results of the survey applied in February 2019, as well as other secondary sources, especially in relation to the territories and the state of the Itrofill mongen, that is, everything alive that exists in lof Temulemu. This work is part of a larger project initiated in 2014, when the Araucanía Norte Health Service focused on designing an epidemiological survey on Küme mongen or good living that would allow the formulation, reflection and action in health to influence, intervene and propose one's own perspective within the framework of the development of national public policies and health systems in force in Mapuche territories of Chile.





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