Modern Family planning practices, male involvement and unmet fertility needs among rural and urban Nigerian women: Findings from a mixed method study in the Southwest Region


  • Ifeoma P. Okafor College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Nigeria
  • Mobolanle R. Balogun College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Nigeria
  • Adekemi O. Sekoni College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Nigeria
  • Duro C. Dolapo Leverage Consulting Limited Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria



Reproductive Health, Family Planning, Fertility, Contraceptives, Comparative, Nigeria


Family planning (FP) utilization impacts individuals, families, communities and nations. The study aimed at comparing family planning predictors, male involvement in family planning and unmet fertility needs in rural and urban areas of Lagos, Nigeria. A cross-sectional, comparative study design involving multi-stage sampling method was used to select a total of 600 women. Data was collected by questionnaires and Focus Group Discussions. Modern FP use by couples was 52% (rural) and 56.3% (urban) with no significant difference. In the rural population, the predictors of use of modern FP were being a Christian, employed, spouse having formal education and higher number of children. In the urban population, it was higher number of children. For both rural and urban women, ideal family size was higher than the desired number of children. Most men in both areas do not like any FP method but some of them support their wives. Utilization is similar among both groups and much higher than the national and regional aver-age. Rural programs to improve female empowerment and formal education among males should be implemented. FP education may improve male involvement in both areas. 


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