Social Marketing Research: The impact of anti-smoking social advertising on knowledge levels via Instagram Stories


  • Nur Rohmah Faculty of Public Health, Mulawarman University. Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
  • Abira Ivanca Eka Dewi Sitepu Faculty of Public Health, Mulawarman University. Samarinda,.East Kalimantan, Indonesia
  • Gusti Islami Juhrie Faculty of Public Health, Mulawarman University. Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
  • Grace Zecharrias Inanda Faculty of Public Health, Mulawarman University. Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
  • Devica Anggraini Faculty of Public Health, Mulawarman University. Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
  • Annisa Delillah Priyanti Faculty of Public Health, Mulawarman University. Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia



social marketing, instagram story, health promotion


Cigarettes are a risk factor accounting for the high mortality rate of passive smokers in the world. Instagram is one way to disseminate information about the dangers of cigarettes. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of social marketing through Instagram stories in disseminating anti-smoking campaign ads and increasing knowledge about the dangers for smoking amongst new students in the faculty of Public Health, University of Mulawarman. This research was conducted from October 8-10th 2022, using quantitative methods through Instagram polls. Social marketing in the form of anti-smoking campaigns through Instagram stories was used to measure knowledge levels. However, more research is needed to develop health promotion strategies on social media. Additional studies are required to create social media health promotion approaches.


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