The Effects of Educational Level, Work Period, and Motivation on Nurse Care Coordinators’ Performance in Public Health Centers
education level, motivation, nurse care coordinator, work period, public health centerAbstract
Context. The implementation of public health care services at public health centers cannot be separated from the role of nurse care coordinators who carry out these service functions based on the level of education, work period, and motivation of the nurse care coordinator. Aims: This study aimed to analyze and determine the extent of the relationship between education level, work period, and motivation with the performance of nurse care coordinators in all public health centers in the Indramayu Regency, Indonesia. Settings and Design. This research used a quantitative approach where sampling was carried out through a total sampling of all nurse care coordinators in the public health centers in the Indramayu Regency. Methods and Material. A total sample of 49 nurses were recruited as respondents, and a questionnaire in the form of a Likert scale were disseminated to the respondents. Data were analyzed using descriptive and correlation analyses. Results. There was a significant relationship between the educational level variable and nurse performance (P = 0.001), the work period variable and nurse performance (P = 0.000), as well as between the motivation variable and nurse performance (P = 0.000). Level of education, work period, and motivation simultaneously influence the performance of nurse care coordinators. Conclusions. Our findings demonstrate that the level of education, work period, and motivation, both individually and simultaneously, have a significant relationship to the performance of nurse care coordinators at public health centers in Indramayu Regency.
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