Policy Brief on the Implementation of Health Promoting University



health-promoting university, environmental support, social behavior action, individual capacity, health services, health policy


Objective. To develop a policy brief on health-promoting universities in higher education. Methods. Qualitative research used descriptive design. The research participants totaled 33 people. Data were collected through focus group discussions including topics: policy, environmental support, behavioral social action, individual capacity, health services, perceptions, and initiatives. Data analysis from participants' answers using ATLAS.Ti23 software. Results. Policy themes have a very strong relationship with environmental support with a co-occurrence value of 0.40. Health services and environmental support have a moderate relationship with a co-occurrence value of 0.25. Environmental support and behavioral social action have a weak relationship with a co-occurrence value of 0.20. Conclusion. The policies set are factors that provide strong support for the environment. Health services are part of environmental support as facilities are provided for health-promoting university programs. Environmental support from the institution can make it easier for the institution to achieve the planned program.


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