Socio-economic Realities in a Rural Filipino Community Lead to Volunteer Bias in a Survey of Diabetes, Prediabetes and Metabolic Syndrome


  • Mark Anthony Santiago Sandoval University of the Philippines Manila, Philippines
  • Elizabeth Paz-Pacheco College of Medicine and Philippine General Hospital, University of the Philippines Manila, Philippines
  • Gregory Joseph Ryan Ardena College of Medicine and Philippine General Hospital, University of the Philippines Manila, Philippines
  • Frances Lina Lantion-Amg College of Medicine and Philippine General Hospital, University of the Philippines Manila, Philippines
  • Elizabeth Paterno College of Medicine and Philippine General Hospital, University of the Philippines Manila, Philippines
  • Noel Juban College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila, Phillipines
  • Cecilia Jimeno College of Medicine and Philippine General Hospital, University of the Philippines Manila, Philippines



Volunteer bias, prevalence survey, diabetes, prediabetes, metabolic syndrome, rural community


A survey was done to determine the prevalence of diabetes, prediabetes and metabolic syndrome in the rural town of San Juan, Batangas in the Philippines since there is limited data on these conditions in the rural areas of the country. However, volunteer bias has hampered the accurate determination of the true prevalence of these conditions despite our best efforts at ensuring random selection of participants. Presented here is a real world example showing how socio-economic realities in the community make volunteer bias difficult to avoid in a rural resource-limited area.


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