Drug education games for youth


  • Heitor Martins Pasquim University of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Cassia Baldini Soares University of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Ricardo Santoro Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) Aricanduva, São Paulo, Brazil




Experimental Games, Public Health, Drug Users, Adolescents


This integrative review aims to explore the goals of drug education games for youth and to propose recommendations based on a collective health framework. A database search was conducted of five sources and grey literature, using the following inclusion criteria: theoretical, observational, experimental, or qualitative studies that described or analyzed educational games to prevent or treat drug use in young individuals (15–29 years of age). Eight different games were presented in 16 articles. Results indicate that the majority of games do not allow creativity or unexpected answers, although a few exceptions were found. These games also ignore economic, historical, and cultural aspects of the drug phenomenon, aligning with the War on Drugs ideology and therefore favoring a “hooked leisure.” Despite these flaws, the games have some potential applications that allow us to recommend them in daily practice as methods of educational process.


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