Your Health Care in Crisis: A HEALTH/PAC Special Report [1972]


  • Robb Burlage

Palabras clave:

Health/PAC, Health activism


Your Health Care in Crisis: A HEALTH/PAC Special Report Fourth Printing, November 1972 Reproduced from the US Heath Activism History Collection Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania HealthPAC online "This is the first in a series of pamphlets published by the Health Policy Advisory Center (Health-PAC). It analyzes the forces in the health system that prevent most Americans from getting good health care. How can that system be changed so that good health care is a right for all? Around the country emerging community and worker groups are working to transform the present health system into one that will provide high quality, low-cost, accessible health care for all. Health-PAC, an independent, non-profit research and education organization, works with and services these groups. Health-PAC has information available on patient's rights: health worker issues: community and worker struggles to change health institutions; the organization and financing of health care: Blue Cross: national health insurance proposals: and many other health care topics."



