The plate economy: capitalism, food and nutrition in the service society


  • Alan Gutiérrez Vilchis Mexican Council of Science and Technology. Toluca de Lerdo, State of Mexico.
  • Miguel Ángel Karam Calderón Faculty of Medicine, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. Toluca de Lerdo, State of Mexico.


This essay explores the relationship between food, nutrition, and Marxist theory in a capitalist society. Through an in-depth analysis of socio-economic structures and power relations, it examines how food production, distribution and consumption are influenced by these forces. Reference is made to key works by Marx, such as "Capital" and "The Communist Manifesto," to illustrate how labor exploitation and economic inequality are reflected in nutrition and access to food. In addition, it discusses how the service/information society interacts with food and nutrition in the context of Marx's historical materialism. This essay provides a critical and enlightening perspective on an important topic relevant to our daily lives.

Key words: Capitalism, Food, Nutrition

Author Biographies

Alan Gutiérrez Vilchis, Mexican Council of Science and Technology. Toluca de Lerdo, State of Mexico.

Doctor in Social Sciences. Mexican Council of Science and Technology. Toluca de Lerdo, State of Mexico.


Miguel Ángel Karam Calderón, Faculty of Medicine, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. Toluca de Lerdo, State of Mexico.

Doctor of Sciences. Faculty of Medicine, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. Toluca de Lerdo, State of Mexico.


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Themes and Debates